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Penicillin Allergy Awareness


Did you know that many people who have been diagnosed with a penicillin allergy do not have one? In fact, 9 out of 10 people who have been told they have a penicillin allergy can take penicillin just fine without any adverse effects. The inaccurate diagnosis of a penicillin allergy is common but can lead to larger problems for both the patient and the healthcare system.

Antibiotic costs for patients who are labeled as penicillin-allergic can be up to 63% more than their non-allergic counterparts. This unnecessarily raises the impact of medical costs on a systematic level, especially since most patients likely aren’t allergic at all. That means you could be paying more than you should for your medical visits.

Patients who have been told they have a penicillin allergy are at an increased risk for adverse events to occur in a hospital setting, increasing their risk for certain types of infections by up to 30% during their visit.

Correctly identifying who is and isn’t penicillin-allergic can lead to improved antibiotic prescribing, decreasing the risk of super-bugs (strains of bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics) for all patients.

Allergy Experts is excited to bring attention to this problem by offering penicillin allergy testing. Curious if you are actually allergic? Call and make an appointment today (212) 517-3300.



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