Understanding Winter Allergies

As we welcome cooler weather, we say goodbye to outdoor allergens and hello to the stubborn indoor allergy season. For pollen sufferers, winter brings a fresh breath of relief! The trees have revealed their bare limbs and flowers are with fewer hasty pollinators. For silent sufferers of indoor allergies, however, winter brings its own form of misery.
What Causes Winter Allergies?
While the outdoor elements no longer pose a threat to our sinuses, we must turn our attention to the indoor nuisances hiding right under our noses. Common indoor allergens include:
- Pet hair/dander
- Dust particles
- Dust mites
- Mold
- Cockroach droppings
In truth, you may have always been allergic to these elements. However, your increased time spent indoors during the winter season may have caused you to be more sensitive. Allergens may be building up in your home during the cold months. For example, pets tend to spend more time indoors when it’s cold, so their fur may be more abundant. You may have turned your heater on for the first time in a year, causing dust particles to rush through your house.
Any number of factors can cause one to be more sensitive to the indoor elements during the winter season. The question is, how do we deal with them?
Treating Winter Allergies
Controlling your environment is key to limiting your allergic reactions this winter season. If you have pets, try grooming them more regularly to limit their shedding. Clean carpeted areas more frequently than usual to rid them of lingering dust and dust mites.
Treat your allergy symptoms with:
- Over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines
- Nasal sprays to relieve nasal inflammation
- Immunotherapy shots for a permanent solution not only for winter allergies but for all your year-round allergens
You don’t have to deal with allergies alone. We can help! Call the NY Allergy & Asthma Experts today at (212) 517-3300 or make an appointment online.